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Wordle List – New Games in 2023

Wordle List 2023

This is the last updated Wordle List March 28. Our team is collecting the latest wordle games in 2023. There are more than 600 games like wordle, and each day the list is increasing. We leave you this playing list wordle games to play for free online.

Wordle List 2023

Latest 3 wordle games added

Alphabetical order by language (then by name of game)
🟩 GamelanguageNoteLang.
🟩 Gridle Polyomino tiling of a 4×4 grid
🟦 Starwordle Any word related to Star Wars
🟩 Vaultle Heavens vault’s constructed language “Ancient”
🟩 Webvm Server-less virtual Linux environment
🟩 Watse Afrikaans AFR
🟦 Wortel Afrikaans AFR
🟩 Luaj Live Albanian SQI
🟩 Arwordle Arabic ARA
🟩 كلمة Arabic ARA
🟩 كلمة Arabic ARA
🟩 وردل عربي Arabic ARA
🟩 Paroletas Wordle Aragonese ARG
🟩 Solution Images Art Not wordle – Images based on Wordle words NTF
🟩 Dactle ASL ASL fingerspelling ASE
🟩 Berbaxerka Basque Not wordle, mechanics are the same EUS
🟩 Wordle Eus Basque EUS
🟩 ЎОРДЛІ Belarusian BEL
🟩 Wowtle Belter Creole TV – The Expanse MIS
🟩 Wokle Bininj Kunwok GUP
🟩 Wordle (bos) Bosnian BOS
🟩 Gerdle Breton BRE
🟩 Wordle Bg Bulgarian BUL
🟩 УЪРДЛИ Bulgarian BUL
🟩 Wordle Catalan CAT
🟩 Chengyu Wordle Chinese Guess must be a valid 4-letter idiom ZHO
🟩 Jndle Chinese ZHO
🟩 Pinyindle Chinese Pinyin ZHO
🟩 拼音猜成语 Chinese ZHO
🟩 漢兜 Chinese 4 characters ZHO
🟩 猜成语 Chinese 4 letter ZHO
🟩 Zidou Chinese (Cantonese) ZHO
🟩 Genele Code Guess the Gene Symbol in 12 tries 012
🟩 Kerdle Cornish COR
🟦 Crodle Croatian HRV
🟩 Rijecek Croatian HRV
🟩 Šibenice Czech Not wordle, Hangman CES
🟩 Slovo Czech CES
🟩 Wordle Czech CES
🟦 Wordle Cs Czech CES
🟩 Wordle Cz Czech CES
🟩 Wørdle Danish DAN
🟦 Basburi Divehi 6-8 letters – Maldivian DIV
🟩 Eeeee Dolphin Dolphin wordle
🟩 Lingle Dutch NLD
🟩 Woordle Dutch NLD
🟩 Woordle6 Dutch NLD
🟦 Wordlespel Dutch NLD
🟦 ԲԱՌԴԼ Eastern Armenian HYE
🟩 Cluedle Emoji Find today’s 4 emoji!
🟩 Galaxybrain Emoji Not wordle
🟦 1second English Not wordle – Guess the song ENG
🟦 64ordle English Sexaginta-quattuordle ENG
🟦 6times5 English ENG
🟩 A Ringing Brdl English Guess the bird ringing code! ENG
🟩 Absurdle English instuctions ENG
🟩 Airportle English IATA Airport codes ENG
🟩 Airportle English Airport Codes ENG
🟦 Album English Guess the album ENG
🟩 Alphabattle English Guess your friends’ secret words ENG
🟩 Anidal English Animals ENG
🟦 Antiwordle English Avoid guessing the hidden word ENG
🟦 Artistle English Guess the artist ENG
🟩 Artle English Artist’s ENG
🟩 Artle English Guess the artist’s name in 4 attempts. ENG
🟩 Ascii-wordle English CLI ENG
🟩 Avoidle English Try to avoid letters ENG
🟦 Bardle English Shakespeare characters, and quotes. ENG
🟦 Battleshipple English Sink the battleship ENG
🟩 Beerdle English Brewing terms, beer -names, -styles and brewery’s ENG
🟩 Biblicle English Biblical ENG
🟩 Biordle English Biology related words ENG
🟩 Birble English Attempt to name the pictured bird ENG
🟦 Birdle English Guess must be a valid five-letter bird ENG
🟩 Bookli English Guess text from a classic novel ENG
🟩 Braginator English Generate fake wordle-esque scores ENG
🟩 Brdl English Guess the bird banding code! ENG
🟩 Byrdle English Choral music ENG
🟩 Canuckle English word/place/Canadianism related to Canada ENG
🟩 Carle English Car related wordle ENG
🟩 Chessle English Guess the entire opening sequence, ENG
🟦 Chilloff English ENG
🟩 Chortle English Guess the joke’s punchline ENG
🟩 Cinemadle English Guess the movie in 6 tries ENG
🟩 Clidle English Wordle, now over SSH. CLI version ENG
🟩 Cloudle English ENG
🟩 Crosswordle English Solve an crossword using the wordle ENG
🟩 Crosswordle English guess two crossing words ENG
🟦 Crosswordle English ENG
🟩 Crosswordle English ENG
🟩 Culturle English Pop culture ENG
🟦 Custom Word English Challenge your friends! ENG
🟩 Dall-e-dle English DALL-E generated image of the word ENG
🟩 Dewordle English You “guess” colored squares ENG
🟩 Diffle English Guess with the fewest letters possible. ENG
🟩 Dndle English Guess the D&D monster ENG
🟦 Doctor Whodle English Doctor Who ENG
🟦 Dogle English Guess the dog breed by a photo ENG
🟩 Dordle English ENG
🟦 Dordlegame English ENG
🟩 Dumble English Guess the letter in 6 tries ENG
🟩 Dundle English Clone based on The Office ENG
🟩 Duotrigordle English Guess all 32 Duotrigordle words ENG
🟦 Duotrigordle English ENG
🟩 Eldrow English Inverted wordle ENG
🟩 Eldrow English Reverse Wordle ENG
🟦 Equatle English Each guess must be a 5 element expression ENG
🟦 Eterndle English Valid words from the digital card game Eternal ENG
🟩 Ethordle English Mint an NFT of the solution ENG
🟩 Evil Wordle English EVIL ENG
🟩 Evil Wurdle English ENG
🟩 Favle English It’s in the favicon! ENG
🟩 Ffxivrdle English Final Fantasy XIV ENG
🟩 Filmle English 7 letters. Movie titles ENG
🟦 Filmle English Guess the movie title in 7 tries ENG
🟦 Findaword English ENG
🟩 Five Lives English Do not to guess the word in six rounds. ENG
🟩 Fix My Wordle English Not wodle – fix the stats ENG
🟦 Flaggle English Guess the flag ENG
🟩 Flaggle English Flag guessing game ENG
🟦 Flagle English Guess the flag ENG
🟩 Fletcherdle English FLETCHER-related words ENG
🟦 Food-le English ENG
🟦 Foodle English Game for true food lovers ENG
🟩 Footbl 5 English Guess a footballer ENG
🟦 Framed English Guess the movie ENG
🟦 Gamed English Guess the video game ENG
🟦 Gi-wor-dle English Guess the (G)I-DLE song ENG
🟩 Globle English Guess the mystery country ENG
🟦 Globle English Every day, there is a new Mystery Country ENG
🟦 Globlegame English Guess the mystery country ENG
🟩 Gootsle English The answer will always be “GOOTS” ENG
🟦 Gordle English hockey themed wordle ENG
🟩 Greener Worldle English ENG
🟩 Griddler English ENG
🟩 Grootle English I am Groot ENG
🟩 Guess My Word English Guess the word ENG
🟩 Guessle English ENG
🟩 Guwople English Gucci Mane’s track names ENG
🟩 Heardle English a phonemic version ENG
🟩 Heardle English Guess today’s song ENG
🟩 Hello Wordl English 4-11 letters ENG
🟩 Hello Wordl English ENG
🟦 Hogwartle English Harry Potter version ENG
🟩 Hollywood Wordle English Guess the Hollywood movie ENG
🟩 Horsle English The word is always horse ENG
🟩 Hp Wordle English Harry Potter ENG
🟩 Jazle English Javascript ENG
🟦 Joedle English ENG
🟦 Joined Words English Not wordle ENG
🟩 Jojodle English JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure ENG
🟦 Jordle English Neopian themed word game ENG
🟦 Kilordle English ENG
🟦 Landmark English Guess the landmark ENG
🟩 Learnle English Not wordle – Try to answer the question. ENG
🟩 Lewdle English NSFW ENG
🟦 Lewdle Play English ENG
🟩 Lingo English DOS game from 1996
🟩 Lingowordle English Telegram bot @lingowordle_bot ENG
🟩 Lordle Of The Rings English Main text of Lord of the Rings ENG
🟩 Luckle English 4-11 letters ENG
🟩 Lyricle English Guess the song from the lyrics ENG
🟩 Midnightle English ENG
🟩 Movie Wordle English Guess the bollywood movie ENG
🟩 Movie Wordle Board English Guess the bollywood movie ENG
🟩 Movlie English Guess the movie ENG
🟩 Murdle English Hangman version ENG
🟦 Nerdle English ENG
🟩 Nerdle English ENG
🟩 Nsfwordle English NSFW ENG
🟩 Numble English Mathematics words ENG
🟩 Numble English 6 tries to guess the hidden equation ENG
🟩 Obscurdle English Unlimited ENG
🟦 Octordle English ENG
🟦 Octordle English ENG
🟩 One Piece Wordle! English One Piece (Manga)? ENG
🟦 Onedle English Hangman version ENG
🟩 Opsle English 3 letters ENG
🟦 Optimle English Guarantee a win in exactly 2 guesses. ENG
🟦 Passwordle English ENG
🟩 Passwordle English SHA-256 hash ENG
🟩 Passwordle 2 English Guess common user passwords ENG
🟩 Pawnle English Parks and Recreation ENG
🟦 Pawrdle English Guess the pet related word ENG
🟩 Peptirdle English Protein enthusiast fork ENG
🟩 Perfdle English Guess performance related word ENG
🟩 Pfeffel English Like Wordle but it always lies to you. ENG
🟦 Phoodle English Test your culinary expertise ENG
🟦 Phrazle English ENG
🟦 Phrazle English Guess a phrase ENG
🟩 Pictle English Create a picture ENG
🟦 Pimantle English Not wordle ENG
🟩 Plantle English Plant-based word game ENG
🟦 Poeltl English guesses any current NBA player ENG
🟩 Poker Wordle English poker hand guessing game ENG
🟩 Polydle English 1-2315 words ENG
🟩 Polygonle English ENG
🟦 Polygonle English ENG
🟩 Popdle English ENG
🟩 Qorble English Wordle in QBasic ENG
🟦 Quardle English Wordle Crossword ENG
🟩 Queerdle English NSFW ENG
🟩 Quina English Logical word guessing game ENG
🟦 Quintessential English ENG
🟦 Quordle English ENG
🟦 Quordle English ENG
🟦 Quordle English 4-6 letters ENG
🟩 Quordle English 4 words at once ENG
🟩 Qwordle English Quantum version of Wordle ENG
🟩 Qwrtl English ENG
🟩 Raganam English 8 letters. A daily anagram game ENG
🟩 Randle English This is a slot machine. ENG
🟦 Rarewordle English ENG
🟩 Reactle English ENG
🟩 Redactle English Not wordle – Guess the subject of Wikipedia article ENG
🟦 Reverdle English ENG
🟩 Reverdle English Wordle, but in reverse. ENG
🟦 Reversle English The answer is already given ENG
🟦 Revertle English ENG
🟦 Rewordle English Click/tap/drag two letters to swap them ENG
🟩 Rundle English Oonly last three guesses are considered. ENG
🟩 Rwordle English Inspired by the TV game show Pointless ENG
🟩 Save My Wordle English Not wordle ENG
🟦 Scholardle English Academic words ENG
🟩 Scoredle English ENG
🟩 Searchdle English SEO version of Wordle ENG
🟦 Sedecordle English ENG
🟦 Sedecordle English Solve sixteen words ENG
🟦 Seindle English Guess words from Seinfeld show ENG
🟩 Semantle English Not Wordle. Guess any word of any length ENG
🟩 Septle English 7 letters. ENG
🟩 Seven Wordles English How quickly can you guess ENG
🟩 Shaple English Choose shape that matches ENG
🟩 Sheetle English Google sheets ENG
🟩 Slangle English Guess the text slang or acronym ENG
🟩 Solvle English The program has to guess it ENG
🟦 Speedle English ENG
🟦 Spelling Bee Game English Find as many words as possible in a set of 7 ENG
🟩 Squabble English ENG
🟦 Squardle English ENG
🟩 Squaredle English ENG
🟩 Squareword English game in two dimensions ENG
🟩 Squirdle English Pokémon Wordle ENG
🟩 Squirdle English Guess the correct Pokemon team ENG
🟩 Sqwortle English Guess the Pokemon ENG
🟦 Star Wordle English Star Wars theme ENG
🟩 Stockle English 4-letter stock symbol from NYSE/Nasdaq ENG
🟩 Subwaydle English Must a be a valid NY subway trip ENG
🟦 Survivle English ENG
🟩 Sweardle English NSFW ENG
🟩 Sweardle English 4 chances to guess ENG
🟩 Swordle English Guess the Star Wars word ENG
🟩 Syscordle English Guess the SYSCALL ENG
🟩 Tacticle English Chess puzzles ENG
🟩 Taylordle English Clone based on Taylor Swift ENG
🟩 Three Magic Words English Complete three specific five-letter words ENG
🟦 Tictactordle English Not wordle ENG
🟩 Tirtl English autostraddle fans ENG
🟩 Trekle English Star Trek ENG
🟩 Turdle English Guess the animation sequence ENG
🟩 Twokinds English Not wordle ENG
🟩 Unlocodle English UN/LOCODE Airport, Port and Road Terminal. ENG
🟦 Unwordle English Re-create a Wordle grid given the final word ENG
🟦 Unwordle English Reverse version of Wordle ENG
🟩 Visionle English Guess the label of a randomly chosen image ENG
🟩 Waffle English Rearrange letters into correct words ENG
🟦 Waffle English Rearrange the letters into the correct words ENG
🟦 Weaver English can only change 1 letter ENG
🟦 Weaver English Word ladder. ENG
🟩 Web Wordle English ENG
🟩 Weedel English Video game characters ENG
🟦 Weirdle English ENG
🟩 Weirdle English Weird words ENG
🟩 Weredle English With a Werewolf twist ENG
🟦 Wewordle English Compete with other players ENG
🟩 Wheeldle English ENG
🟦 Wherdle English guess the mystery place ENG
🟩 Wheredle English Guess the state in 7 tries ENG
🟦 Wizarding Wordle English Harry Potter version ENG
🟦 Wor Wordle Dle English Wordle with multiple layers ENG
🟩 Worble English ENG
🟦 Word Guess English ENG
🟦 Word Lie English ENG
🟩 Word Master English ENG
🟩 Word Race English Play with opponent ENG
🟩 Word Tips English Not wordle! ENG
🟩 Wordalle English DALLE mini & Wordle ENG
🟦 Wordawazzle English Australian 5 letter word ENG
🟦 Worddoc English Medical words ENG
🟩 Wordguessr English Challenge link ENG
🟦 Wordguessr English ENG
🟦 Wordhash English Word grid by guessing five words ENG
🟩 Wordhoot English Multi- or single player ENG
🟩 Wordhurdle English 6 letter, every 12 hours ENG
🟦 Wordle English Python wordle ENG
🟩 Wordle English Daily/Hourly ENG
🟩 Wordle Off English Play against person ENG
🟩 Wordle – Original English wordlist US spelling ENG
🟦 Wordle 2 English ENG
🟩 Wordle Answers English Enter your answer from today’s Wordle ENG
🟩 Wordle Archive English Archive ENG
🟩 Wordle Archive English Archive ENG
🟩 Wordle Bts English ENG
🟩 Wordle Cli English Command line wordle ENG
🟩 Wordle Forever English WORDLE FOREVER ENG
🟩 Wordle Game English 5-7 letters ENG
🟦 Wordle Golf English Not wordle – Share your WORDLE scores ENG
🟩 Wordle Invaders English Play Space Invaders with people’s Wordle scores! ENG
🟩 Wordle Leaderboard English ENG
🟩 Wordle Over Dns English CLI ENG
🟩 Wordle Peaks English ENG
🟦 Wordle Play English ENG
🟩 Wordle Shares English Aggergates Wordle solutions from Twitter ENG
🟩 Wordle Solver English SPOILER NOT wordle ENG
🟩 Wordle Together English Play with opponent ENG
🟩 Wordle Unlimited English Unlimited ENG
🟦 Wordle Unlimited English ENG
🟩 Wordle With Friends English ENG
🟦 Wordle2 English ENG
🟩 Wordleart English Not wordle ENG
🟦 Wordlecup English Enjoy public, private or solo games ENG
🟩 Wordleoff English ENG
🟩 Wordler English Play solo or with opponent ENG
🟩 Wordlers English Head-to-head Wordle ENG
🟩 Wordleu English Eurostat acronyms ENG
🟩 Wordle_bot English Telegram bot @hiwordlebot ENG
🟩 Wordlr English ENG
🟩 Wordly English version for KaiOS feature phones ENG
🟦 Wordosis English Guess the medical word ENG
🟦 Worduel English ENG
🟩 Worldle English Guess a valid country or territory ENG
🟦 Worldledaily English Streetview Wordle ENG
🟦 Worldlegame English knowledge of geography ENG
🟦 Worldwidewebhunt English World wide web hunt ENG
🟩 Worle English guess UK town names ENG
🟩 Wourdle English 8 letters. ENG
🟩 Wrdl English The vowels are gone ENG
🟩 Wrdle English ENG
🟩 Wroud English 6 letter in 3 guesses ENG
🟩 Yawdle English ENG
🟩 Zip-zap-bam English This is a word ladder game ENG
🟩 Wordleo Esperanto EPO
🟦 Sonuk Estonian EST
🟦 Wordle Estonian EST
🟩 Wordle Estonian EST
🟦 Føroyskt Wordle Faroese FAO
🟩 Saltong Filipino 5 letters – Filipino clone FIL
🟩 Saltong Hex Filipino 4-19 letters New game Tue and Fri FIL
🟩 Saltong Max Filipino 7 letters FIL
🟩 Saltong Mini Filipino 4 letters FIL
🟩 Fwords Finnish FIN
🟩 Sanuli Finnish FIN
🟦 Cémantix French FRA
🟩 Gouinedle French A French, lesbian-themed FRA
🟩 Le Mot French FRA
🟦 Le Mot Belge French 6 letters FRA
🟩 Lemot French FRA
🟦 Lemot6 French FRA
🟩 Maitronus French Name the labor movement figure FRA
🟩 Mo Mo Motus French FRA
🟩 Moket French FRA
🟩 Motchus French 9 letters – Based on the TV show Motus FRA
🟩 Motdle French FRA
🟩 Motus French 8 letters FRA
🟩 Quordle French FRA
🟩 Sutom French 8 Letters FRA
🟦 Tusmo French 6-9 letters FRA
🟦 Uneseconde French Guess the song FRA
🟩 Word Lie En Français French FRA
🟦 Wordle French FRA
🟦 Wordle Fr French FRA
🟩 Worldle French 7 Letters, geographical names FRA
🟩 Wurdle Frisian FRY
🟩 Facle Gaelic Scottish Gaelic GLA
🟩 Wordlegalego Galician GLG
🟩 Gerdle Gallo MIS
🟩 Mahjong Handle Game Mahjong guessing game
🟩 香港麻雀 糊dle Game Mahjong hands under Hong Kong rules
🟦 6mal5 German DEU
🟩 Harry Potter Wordle German German Harry Potter DEU
🟩 Sgwordle German Swiss German DEU
🟩 Word Master German DEU
🟩 Wordle German DEU
🟦 Wordle German DEU
🟩 Wordle German DEU
🟩 Wordle German DEU
🟦 Wordle De German DEU
🟦 Wordle Deutsch German DEU
🟩 Wort Meister German DEU
🟩 Wörtchen German DEU
🟩 Wörtle German DEU
🟩 Wortle German DEU
🟦 Wortle German DEU
🟩 Wortzle German DEU
🟩 Gitksan-wordle Gitxsan GIT
🟩 Lexoula Greek ELL
🟩 Word Master Greek ELL
🟦 Ñe’Ẽdle Guarani GRN
🟩 Hak-dle Hakka Chinese Romanization input HAK
🟩 Hulihua Hawaiian HAW
🟩 Not Wordle – Hawaiian Hawaiian HAW
🟩 אי-מייל Hebrew HEB
🟩 בול במילה Hebrew HEB
🟩 בול במילה Hebrew HEB
🟩 בול מילה Hebrew HEB
🟩 וורדל׳ה Hebrew HEB
🟩 וורדעל Hebrew HEB
🟩 לינגו Hebrew DOS game (1990) HEB
🟩 מדויקת Hebrew HEB
🟩 מילן Hebrew HEB
🟩 0xdle Hexadecimal Guess the hexadecimal number HEX
🟩 Colordle Hexadecimal Guess the background color HEX
🟩 Tugma Hiligaynon HIL
🟩 Shabdle Hindi Wordle in Hindi HIN
🟩 बस फ़िल्मी नाम! Hindi Hindi films and artist names HIN
🟩 शब्दक-हिंदी Hindi HIN
🟩 हिंदी शब्द Hindi 3 letters HIN
🟩 SzÓ Reggelt! Hungarian HUN
🟩 Szózat Hungarian HUN
🟩 Ordla Icelandic 5-7 letters ISL
🟩 Orðill Icelandic ISL
🟩 Orðla Icelandic wordlist ISL
🟩 Orðla Icelandic wordlist ISL
🟩 Kataly Indonesian IND
🟩 Katla Indonesian IND
🟩 Tevak Kata Indonesian IND
🟩 Wordle Id Indonesian Daily/Endless IND
🟦 Wordle Id Indonesian IND
🟩 Foclach Irish GLE
🟩 Kasta Italian Find Italian politicians ITA
🟩 Parole Italian ITA
🟩 Paroletta Italian ITA
🟩 Verba Italian ITA
🟦 Wordle It Italian ITA
🟩 Wordlegame Italian ITA
🟩 Jwordle Japanese JPN
🟩 Kotoba Asobou Japanese JPN
🟩 Kotobade Asobou Japanese kana (Japanese) JPN
🟩 Pokedle Japanese Pokemon JPN
🟩 Pokemon Wordle Japanese Pokemon JPN
🟩 Wordle Ja Japanese JPN
🟩 Wordle Jp Japanese JPN
🟩 Wordle48 Japanese JPN
🟩 Wordol Japanese JPN
🟩 Tlembung Javanese JAV
🟩 کاتادل Jawi Malay Arabic script DJW
🟩 Kannada Wordle Kannada CLI Kannada Wordle KAN
🟩 Wordalla Kannada KAN
🟩 ಅಕ್ಷರ ಬಂಧ Kannada KAN
🟩 Wordle Kazakh KAZ
🟩 Wordle Kz Kazakh KAZ
🟩 Mu’oy Klingon Star Trek TLH
🟩 Gnt Wordle Koine Greek The Greek New Testament GRC
🟩 Wordle Korean KOR
🟩 꼬들 – 한국어 Korean KOR
🟩 단어들 Korean KOR
🟩 워들 Korean KOR
🟩 한글 워들 Korean KOR
🟩 협동워들 5자 Korean KOR
🟩 Wordle Kurdi Kurdish KUR
🟩 Wordle Ladino Ladino LAD
🟩 Arepo Latin LAT
🟦 Latin Wordle Latin Wordle in Latin LAT
🟩 Wordle Latvian LAV
🟦 Dienos žodis Lithuanian LIT
🟩 Unnamed Lithuanian LIT
🟩 Žodelė Lithuanian LIT
🟦 Žodis Lithuanian LIT
🟩 Valsr Lojban Constructed language JBO
🟩 Fon Wuertle Luxembourgish Luxembourgish phonetics LTZ
🟦 Wuertle Luxembourgish LTZ
🟩 Maquistle Macanese Patois MZS
🟩 ЗБОРЛЕ Macedonian MKD
🟩 Katapat Malay MSA
🟩 Malay Wordle Malay MSA
🟩 Kelma Maltese MLT
🟩 Werdil Maltese MLT
🟩 Panga Maori MRI
🟩 Mutle Mari MARI
🟩 Zwemo Mauritian Creole MFE
🟩 Mondle Mongolian MON
🟩 Bikle Multilanguage Names of cyclists
🟩 Custom Wordle Multilanguage
🟩 Esc-wordle Multilanguage Eurovision song title
🟩 This Is Not Wordle Multilanguage
🟩 Word Rodeo Multilanguage Challenge your friends with your own word puzzle
🟩 Wordle Multilanguage 5-7 letters
🟦 Wordlegame Multilanguage
🟦 Wordler Multilanguage
🟩 Wordlewordle Multilanguage English /German
🟩 Letterle Multilingual 1 letter
🟩 Wordlegame Multilingual
🟩 ‘en Si Lì’ur Naʼvi Constructed language from AVATAR MIS
🟩 Gjett Norwegian NOR
🟩 Ordle Norwegian Bokmål NOB
🟩 Ordlig Norwegian Bokmål NOB
🟩 Ordle Norwegian Nynorsk NNO
🟩 Ordviss Norwegian Nynorsk NNO
🟦 Addle Numbers Guess a secret addition equation. 012
🟩 Bytle Numbers Guess the base-10 (denary) number 012
🟦 Compositle Numbers Guess the Compositle in 6 tries. 012
🟩 Countle Numbers Use the given numbers to reach the target. 012
🟩 Funcdle Numbers Your input is a math formula 012
🟩 Hexle Numbers Guess number in hexadecimal 012
🟩 Hurdle Numbers Mathematical 012
🟦 Integerle Numbers Must be a valid 5 digit integer 012
🟩 Mathle Numbers Addition or subtraction 012
🟩 Mathler Numbers Find the solution that equals X 012
🟦 Mathwordle Numbers 012
🟩 Nerdlegame Numbers Mathematical 012
🟦 Nmbr14 Numbers 012
🟩 Numberle Numbers 012
🟦 Numbro Numbers Guess a 4 digit number 012
🟩 Ooodle Numbers Mathematical 012
🟦 Plusle Numbers Guess the math equation 012
🟩 Primal Numbers Prime numbers CLI 012
🟩 Primel Numbers Prime numbers 012
🟩 Quantle Numbers Guess a quantum computing equation 012
🟩 Times Table Numbers Times table sequence 012
🟩 Motamagat Occitan OCI
🟩 Old Norse Wordle Old Norse MIS
🟩 ଶବ୍ଦରସ Oriya 3 letters ORI
🟩 Pashtoodle Pashto PUS
🟩 Passwordle Passwd Guess the password. Mixed letters and numbers
🟩 Wordle Persian also known as Farsi FAS
🟩 Literalnie Polish POL
🟩 Szarada Polish POL
🟩 Słowoku Polish POL
🟩 Wordle Polish POL
🟦 Wordle Pl Polish POL
🟩 Wyrazik Polish POL
🟦 Charada Portuguese POR
🟩 Charada Portuguese POR
🟩 Estadi Portuguese Guess the stadium POR
🟦 Jogos Portuguese POR
🟩 Letreco Portuguese POR
🟩 Palavra Do Dia Portuguese POR
🟩 Persiga Portuguese POR
🟦 Spfc Portuguese Footballers – São Paulo FC POR
🟩 Spotle Portuguese Spotle Português POR
🟩 Termo Portuguese POR
🟦 Termo Portuguese POR
🟩 Word Master Portuguese POR
🟩 Punjabipuzzle Punjabi PAN
🟩 Wordle Ro Romanian RON
🟩 Rudle Russian RUS
🟩 Word Lie (Русская Версия) Russian RUS
🟩 Wordle Russian RUS
🟦 Wordle Ru Russian RUS
🟩 SenĆoŦen Saanich MIS
🟦 Wirdle Scots SCO
🟦 Wirdle Scots SCO
🟦 Rečko Serbian SRP
🟩 ВОРДЛИ Serbian SRP
🟩 РЕЧКО Serbian SRP
🟩 سنڌل Sindhi Sindhi versin SND
🟦 Word-leh Singlish SING1272
🟩 Hádaj Slovo Slovak SLK
🟩 Wordle Sk Slovak SLK
🟩 Besedle Slovenian SLV
🟦 Juego Spanish 4-11 letters SPA
🟩 Panal Spanish Not wordle SPA
🟩 Phrasle Spanish Phrases from The Wheel of Fortune. SPA
🟩 Sevilla Wordle Spanish About the city and province of Seville SPA
🟩 Word Master Spanish Castilian SPA
🟩 Wordle Spanish SPA
🟩 Wordle En Espanol Spanish SPA
🟦 Wordle Es Spanish SPA
🟩 Spanish Chilean modisms, cities, places SPA
🟩 Keclap Sundanese SUN
🟦 Swadili Swahili SWA
🟩 Ordla Swedish SWE
🟩 Ordle Swedish SWE
🟩 Ordlig Swedish SWE
🟦 Ordlig Swedish SWE
🟩 Ordsnille Swedish SWE
🟩 Swerdle Swedish SWE
🟩 Swordle Swedish SWE
🟦 Wordle Swedish SWE
🟩 Wordle Swedish SWE
🟩 Wordle Svenska Swedish SWE
🟩 Wordy Swedish SWE
🟩 Tàu Tâi-gí Taigi TAIB1242
🟩 Tamil Wordle Tamil TAM
🟩 Tamil Wordle Tamil TAM
🟩 சொல்லாடல் Tamil TAM
🟩 Tatardle Tatar Tatar (Turkic Language) TAT
🟩 తెలుగు Telugu TEL
🟩 Thwordle Thai THA
🟩 Wordle ไทย Thai THA
🟩 Wawa Nimi Toki Pona MIS
🟩 Lexicon Turkish Need’s more details TUR
🟩 Sozck Turkish People challenge each other TUR
🟩 Wordle Tr Turkish TUR
🟦 Wordle Tr Turkish TUR
🟩 Wordle Ukrainian UKR
🟩 Wordle Ua Ukrainian UKR
🟩 Кобза Ukrainian has Apple app UKR
🟩 СЛІВЦЕ Ukrainian UKR
🟩 СЛОВКО Ukrainian UKR
🟩 Emojidle Unicode Guess the Emoji Unicode 1F600
🟩 اُردل Urdu URD
🟩 So’zzana Uzbek UZB
🟩 Wordle Uz Uzbek UZB
🟩 Gairglo Welsh CYM
🟩 Wordle Welsh CYM
🟩 ԲԱՌԻԿ Western Armenian HYW
🟩 Сахалыы Yakut SAH
🟩 Vertl Yiddish YID
🟩 Wordle Yiddish YID

Now here are 610 Wordles in 103 languages. And still counting.

Latest 5/153 submissions by guests
🟦 GamelanguageNoteLang.
🟦 Spelling Bee Game English Find as many words as possible in a set of 7 ENG
🟦 Rewordle English Click/tap/drag two letters to swap them ENG
🟦 Unwordle English Reverse version of Wordle ENG
🟦 Dogle English Guess the dog breed by a photo ENG
🟦 Globlegame English Guess the mystery country ENG

Game Tips and strategies